Aker to supply umbilicals to ExxonMobil’s deepwater Erha field offshore Nigeria
March 15, 2013
ExxonMobil has contracted Aker Solutions to supply subsea umbilicals for Erha North Phase 2 offshore Nigeria.
Aker will supply umbilicals from its Alabama plant
Offshore staff
LYSAKER, Norway –ExxonMobil has contracted Aker Solutions to supply subsea umbilicals for Erha North Phase 2 offshore Nigeria.
Aker Solutions' scope of work includes the delivery of two dynamic and two static steel tube umbilicals, at a total length of 16.5 km (10.25 mi). The umbilicals will be delivered in 2014.
Erha NorthPhase 2 is an extension of the existing Erha subsea system and infrastructure located 97 km (60 mi.) offshore Nigeria in water depths between 1,000 and 1,200 m (3,280 and 3,935 ft.).
The umbilicals will be designed, engineered, and manufactured at Aker Solutions' facility in Mobile, Alabama, supported by project management and engineering by a local team in Lagos, Nigeria.