B&S prepares next-phase drilling offshore Falklands

Sept. 27, 2013
Borders & Southern (B&S) has provided an update on its exploration program south of the Falkland Islands.

Offshore staff

LONDON– Borders & Southern (B&S) has provided an update on its exploration program south of the Falkland Islands.

The focus this year has been on reservoir engineering studies of theDarwin gas/condensate discovery, acquisition and processing of new 3D seismic, well planning for the next drilling campaign, and initiation of a farm-out.

B&S is striving to develop more sophisticated reservoir models incorporating detailed mapping of faults and internal reservoir facies variations, based on the company’s understanding of the fluid properties. Well information and mapped seismic attributes have been used to weight modeled reservoir properties.

The results will be modified next year after the company receives newly reprocessed3D seismic data, and will be used to confirm drilling locations for appraisal wells.

B&S has completed conceptual well designs for appraisal and exploration wells, and is working with other operators in the region to procure a rig.

Drilling could resume on the company’s acreage in 2015, but B&S will need a farm-in partner to help with the costs of the rig.
