Studies under way for North Sea Marigold-Piper B tieback

Feb. 17, 2022
Repsol Sinopec, TechnipFMC, and Petrofac have started a validation/pre-FEED study of the Marigold cluster in the UK central North Sea.

Offshore staff

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – An alliance between Repsol Sinopec, TechnipFMC, and Petrofac has started a validation/pre-FEED study involving a tieback of the Marigold cluster of fields in the UK central North Sea to the Piper B platform.

Last November, the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) requested Anasuria Hibiscus UK, operator of license P2158 (block 15/18b) containing the Marigold, Sunflower and Kildrummy discoveries, to co-operate on a joint development via Piper B that would include the Ithaca-operated Yeoman discovery.

The study, set to be completed in April, will also provide a “not to exceed” cost estimate for the common infrastructure to be used for the project.

In addition, the OGA has requested Ithaca and Anasuria Hibiscus UK to enter a unitization and unit operating agreement for the joint development, and negotiations are currently under way.

A joint project team based in Aberdeen will be created next month to progress the project to first oil, with Phase 1 unlikely to come onstream until late 2024 at the earliest.

Anasuria Hibiscus expects Sunflower and Kildrummy to be tied back to the Marigold infrastructure in subsequent phases.

The company also operates central North Sea block 21/24d, containing the Teal West discovery, in partnership with NEO Energy.

The base development plan for Teal West involves drilling an oil producer well southeast of the structure, followed by a water injector well on the west of the structure around 12-18 months later.

Production would head 4 km (2.5 mi) to the Anasuria FPSO where the liquids would be processed and exported via the Anasuria offshore infrastructure. Anasuria Hibiscus is also negotiating a gas sales agreement with local pipeline infrastructure owners to accommodate Teal West’s gas.

The company aims to submit a field development plan to the OGA later this year, with first oil targeted for mid-2024.
