Voltaire in final preparations for Dogger Bank wind installations

June 22, 2023
Jan de Nul’s new jackup installation vessel Voltaire—the largest ever built, according to the company—has reached the port of Able Seaton in northeast England.

Offshore staff

HOFSTADE-AALST, Belgium  Jan de Nul’s new jackup installation vessel Voltairethe largest ever built, according to the companyhas reached the port of Able Seaton in northeast England.

Since delivery at the end of last year, Voltaire has been undergoing preparations for its first construction assignment for the 3.6-GW Dogger Bank Wind Farm phases A, B and C, 130-200 km from the Yorkshire coast in the southern UK North Sea.

In total, the vessel will install 277 structures, and it is due to sail to the offshore site early in July to install the first GE Haliade-X offshore wind turbine.

Dogger Bank, which will be assembled in three 1.2-GW phases, is a joint venture partnership between SSE Renewables (40%), Equinor (40%) and Vårgrønn (20%). SSE Renewables is leading the development and construction of Dogger Bank Wind Farm, while Equinor will operate the completed wind farm over its anticipated 35-year lifespan.

Construction is due to finish in 2026, and it will be the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

Jan De Nul Group is responsible for transport and installation of the GE turbines.
