Spectrum, Sovcomflot start joint 3D seismic survey in the Barents Sea

July 14, 2017
Spectrum’s latest Norwegian 3D seismic survey is under way in the Barents Sea.

Offshore staff

WOKING, UKSpectrum’s latest Norwegian 3D seismic survey is under way in the Barents Sea.

The Norsel High 3D program, designed to assist evaluations for Norway’s newly-launched 24th licensing round, will cover at least 1,600 sq km (618 sq mi) over four of the offered blocks.

Spectrum’s partnerSovcomflot is acquiring the data using its high capacity vessel Ivan Gubkin with a triple source configuration and a Q-marine acquisition system.

These, combined with modern broadband processing, should ensure optimal imaging of various large structural closures at the Jurassic and Triassic levels partly identified in the area from Spectrum’s existing 3D seismic library.

In addition, the program takes in 3D broadband reprocessing of 2,000 sq km (772 sq mi) of neighboring 3D Spectrum data (the NSH12 and BST4 surveys) which cover six more of the 24th round blocks.

Merging the newly acquired data with the two existing seismic datasets, via a modern broadband processing sequence, should result in a single, contiguous, conformable dataset of 3,600 sq km (1,389 sq mi) covering 10 prospective blocks.

Spectrum expects to deliver a fasttrack 3D volume before the end of August, well ahead of the Nov. 30 license bids deadline, with further interim pre-stack time migrated data also made available prior to November.
