Offshore staff
LONDON – Aminex is planning a 1,200-km (745-mi) 2D seismic program over the deepwater area of the Nyuni block offshore Tanzania.
It is in discussions with seismic vessel contractors to perform the survey during 1Q 2013.
Earlier this year Aminex compiled 141 km (87.6 mi) of seismic data as part of a transition zone program over the shallow waters, reefs, and islands of theNyuni Area PSA, awarded in October 2011.
Operations had to be suspended in late June due to rough seas. The company is evaluating options for completing the survey in conjunction with the deepwater program to cut costs.
Canadian company Antrim Energy has provided an update on another potential exploration campaign over the Pemba-Zanzibar exploration license offshore and onshore Tanzania, operated by RAK Gas.
Antrim has negotiated a 20% stake in the concession following the pre-drilling (seismic) phase and an additional 10% interest to be exercised up to 180 days after receipt of initial drilling results.
RAK Gas has submitted a proposal for a revised work program to the federal government of Tanzania. Environmental impact assessment work has started, with seismic operations expected to proceed shortly.