TGS starts 2D-3D data conversion project over Brazil’s Equatorial Margin

June 7, 2023
TGS has initiated the Amazonia Azul 2D-cubed project, said to be the first of its type offshore Brazil.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway  TGS has initiated the Amazonia Azul 2D-cubed project, said to be the first of its type offshore Brazil.

The aim is to expand the company’s multiclient data coverage in the region and support analysis of Brazil’s Equatorial Margin area.

The project, which will cover a 268,506-sq-km area, will employ a structurally conformable interpolation engine to convert 2D data to a comprehensive 3D volume that can be interpreted on a regional scale.

According to TGS, the approach allows users to make full use of their 3D interpretation software, leading to improved analysis and communication of geological insights.

Initial data delivery should begin early next year.
