Red Hawk to roost on cell spar

Aug. 27, 2002

The first ever application of Technip's cell spar design will be on Kerr-McGee's Red Hawk development, Garden Banks block 877 in the Gulf of Mexico.

The first ever application of Technip's cell spar design will be on Kerr-McGee's Red Hawk development, Garden Banks block 877 in the Gulf of Mexico. This new design has stepped in to surpass the company's previous applications of traditional Spars, such asNeptune which Oryx operated before being bought by Kerr-McGee, and Truss Spar designs. This new design differs from a truss spar in that it includes seven, 20 ft outer diameter buoyancy tubes.
The 480 ft long spar will be fabricated at the Gulf Marine Fabricators' yard in Ingleside, Texas. Work will begin this fall, with first production scheduled for summer 2004. Red Hawk has estimated proven reserves of more than 250 bcf and is located in 5,300 ft water depth, making it the independent's deepest development. The cell spar will be designed with a maximum production capacity of 120 MMcf/d, with the potential to produce 300 MMcf/d.
Kerr-McGee holds 50% interest in the project with partner Ocean Energy holding the remaining 50%.