Titan lined up for Visund tieback

June 23, 2009
StatoilHydro has made a small oil discovery in the Tampen area of the Norwegian Sea, a short distance northeast of the Visund field production center.

Offshore staff

STAVANGER – StatoilHydro has made a small oil discovery in the Tampen area of the Norwegian Sea, a short distance northeast of the Visund field production center.

Two wells were drilled on the Titan structure by the Scarabeo V, the first encountering an oil column in Jurassic sands, while the second, 2.7 km (1.7 mi) to the southeast, found oil in the Brent group.

StatoilHydro estimates recoverable reserves at 5.6-12.5 MMboe, and is considering a tie-back to Visund. It believes the oil zones in the two wells are in communication. Water depth in the area is 381 m (1,250 ft).

Following approvals from Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, the company will test another structure in the Norwegian Sea.

The semisub Ocean Vanguard will drill well 6407/2-4 S and a possible sidetrack into the prospect, 15 km (9.3 mi) north of the Mikkel field in license PL 074/074B in 250 m (820 ft) water depth.

Estimated duration of the main well is 60 days, with a further 20 days for the sidetrack. Operations should start in mid-July.

In the northern part of the North Sea, the PSA has also approved StatoilHydro’s plan to use the Bideford Dolphin for production drilling, completion, and well clean-up tasks on the Vega and Vega South gas condensate fields.

This program should start on July 1, following a short stay in a shipyard for classification of the rig.

Vega and Vega South are being developed through the Fram infrastructure, and are due on stream in fall 2010.
