ABS introduces software to confirm semisubmersible design criteria

May 5, 2008
ABS has developed an offshore structural assessment program designed for evaluating dynamic loads, hull strength, and site-specific fatigue.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON -- ABS has developed an offshore structural assessment program designed for evaluating dynamic loads, hull strength, and site-specific fatigue. The software allows designers to check the design against the ABS rules for building and classing mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) to verify compliance.

The ABS Eagle Offshore Structure Assessment Program (OSAP) consists of three main functions: design wave calculation; global strength assessment; and buckling and ultimate strength evaluation.

The software was developed by ABS and is designed to work with engineering simulation software packages such as ANSYS. Highlights of the software's capabilities include: vessel motions and wave data entered into the program create the wave's associated critical response forces and accelerations; design waves and vessel response amplitude operators (RAOs) can be graphically depicted to facilitate the selection of rational loads for hull strength assessment; degrees of pitching, rolling, and yawing can be graphically depicted; and yielding, buckling, and fatigue checks in accordance with the ABS MODU Rules can be performed with the results graphically depicted.
