New cementing service proposed to improve well economics

July 22, 2008
Halliburton has released the WellLife III cementing service, a solution designed to increase the economic life of wells.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON -- Halliburton has released the WellLife III cementing service, a solution designed to increase the economic life of wells. The solution incorporates diagnostics tools, engineered cement systems, and zonal isolation assurance tools.

WellLife III cementing service is designed to stop the flow of unwanted fluid and gas in the annulus at any time during the life of the well, preserving production while reducing or even eliminating costly remediation, the company says.

WellLife includes diagnostics software tools that provide the ability to analyze specific wellbore conditions and operational activities that exert stresses on the cement sheath

It also includes cement systems engineered with resilient components to withstand stress and endowed with the ability to react and respond to both predictable and unpredictable wellbore conditions. The latest of these systems is LifeCemT cement. The reactive components of the LifeCem cement will remain dormant in the annulus, automatically responding in the event of any flow of unwanted hydrocarbons to re-establish the annular seal.

The solution has a zonal isolation assurance tool, based on Halliburton's proprietary swell technology materials, which provide a resilient mechanical barrier at strategic points in the annulus. The tool is designed to address the challenge of incomplete mud displacement when difficult mud removal conditions are encountered and also provide an additional reactive component of the annular-seal system. In the event of incomplete mud displacement the tool will swell into any un-cemented space in the annulus to establish zonal isolation without external intervention.
