Offshore staff
SINGAPORE – Keppel Shipyard has secured three offshore vessel conversion contracts with a combined initial value of $81.7 million.
PTSC Asia Pacific, a joint venture between PetroVietnam Technical Services Corp. and Yinson Holdings Berhad, has commissioned the shipyard to convert a tanker to an FPSO with work starting this summer and continuing into summer 2013.
Keppel Shipyard’s workscope includes refurbishment and life extension; fabrication and installation of a flare tower, helideck, pipe racks, and power generation module; installation and integration of topside process modules and external turret; and upgrading the accommodation facilities.
The FPSO will be deployed on the Thang Long and Dong Do oil fields in the Cuu Long basin offshore southern Vietnam. It will be designed to produce 15,000-20,000 b/d of oil, with a storage capacity of up to 650,000 bbl.
Perenco has contracted Keppel to convert a tanker to an FSO. Here the workscope includes refurbishment and life extension, accommodation upgrade, installation of new machinery, mooring structures and helideck, and tank coating services.
The program starts shortly and is scheduled to be completed early next year. The converted tanker will be named FSOMayumba, and will be stationed on the Lucina field offshore Gabon.
BC Petroleum has requested modification and upgrading of a tanker to an early production vessel, the EPVBalai Mutiara.
Keppel will perform refurbishment and life extension work; fabrication and installation of a flare tower and helideck; integration and modification of a process module; and upgrading of the accommodation facilities. When completed, the vessel will be deployed on theBalai Cluster oil fields offshore Malaysia.