Offshore staff
MONTGOMERY, Texas – EMAS AMC has selected Delta SubSea (DSS) to provide ROV services in support of EMAS’s current Gulf of Mexico deepwater repair campaign.
DSS will deploy a Schilling HDTM 150-hp ROV, along with ROV tooling, including Class 1-4 torque tools, water blaster and hotstabs. DSS has also fabricated a customized ROV subframe assembly in support of this scope of work.
DSS also has completed inspection, maintenance, and repair (IMR) work for an independent oil company (IOC) offshore Trinidad & Tobago. The IOC needed urgent IMR work on its deepwater gas production infrastructure, including inspection of various subsea assets, Level III inspection of production platforms, and well intervention work, as well as preventive repair and maintenance on certain subsea assets.
Delta SubSea chartered theSeacor Diamond, which has an 80-ton crane and 60-man crew. The company delivered a Schilling HD 150-hp ROV and a Lynx ROV to the client’s site, along with ROV supervisors and pilots. The ROVs utilized FMD, UT and ECB/Caviblaster tooling.