Offshore staff
HAMBURG, Germany – RWE Dea and its partners have opted for a subsea-platform tieback for the Zidane gas/condensate field in the Norwegian Sea.
Zidane is in license PL435, 15 km (9.3-mi) northwest of the Statoil-operatedHeidrun field and 35 km (22 mi) south of the recently onstream Skarv field.
The discovery well in September 2010 encountered a 150-m (492-ft) gas column in the Fangst group. Zidane 2, drilled in 2012, delivered a 140-m (459-ft) column of gas in the same interval. RWE Dea estimates total volumes in the range 14-22 bcm (494-777 bcf) recoverable.
Zidane will be connected to the Heidrun platform via a four-slot subsea template with four producing wells, with the wellstream sent through a 15-km (9-mi) thermally insulated production flowline.
A new gas treatment and export module will be installed on the platform, and water and condensate will be treated in the existing Heidrun facilities for condensate stabilization. Gas will be exported through the plannedPolarled pipeline system.
RWE Dea Norge is aiming to submit a plan for development and operation toward year-end. Partners are Edison International Norway, Maersk Oil Norway, and OMV (Norge).