OGA assessing UK offshore license incident

Aug. 11, 2021
Britain’s Oil and Gas Authority is investigating a possible breach of field production consents in UK offshore waters.

Offshore staff

LONDON – Britain’s Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) is investigating a possible breach of field production consents in UK offshore waters.

The OGA will seek to compile and assess further information, offering the company concerned the opportunity to provide written representations before determining how the case should be resolved.

Last October, the Authority published its Thematic Review into Industry Compliance with Regulatory Obligations. This examined compliance in six areas of interaction between the OGA and UK offshore licensees, identifying instances of good and improving, practice, but also noted a need for further improvement.

That review followed a letter sent to licensees and infrastructure owners in 2019 outlining the OGA’s regulatory approach, also noting that too many issues were taking too long to resolve, and warning of a more proactive application of the OGA’s powers.
