Norway issues Barents, Norwegian Sea licenses

June 23, 2021
The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has offered seven companies shares of four production licenses under Norway’s 25th licensing round.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway – The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has offered seven companies shares of four production licenses under Norway’s 25th licensing round.

Three are in the Barents Sea and one in the Norwegian Sea. In two cases the awards carry drill or decisions.

Under the terms announced last November, bidders could apply for licenses in a total of nine different areas.

Equinor has been offered PLs 1133 and PL 1134 in the Hoop area of the southern Barents Sea.

Any discoveries could be tied in to infrastructure serving the Wisting field development, the company said. The partners in the Wisting license expect to take a final investment decision on the project by the end of next year.

The full list of awards is as follows (operatorships/non-operated interests):

  • Norske Shell (1/0)
  • Equinor Energy (2/2)
  • Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS (1/0)
  • INEOS E&P Norge (1/1)
  • Lundin Energy Norway (2/0)
  • OMV (Norway) (1/0)
  • Vår Energi AS (1/1).
