ONS 2010: Costner looks for Norwegian business partners

Aug. 26, 2010
American actor and environmentalist Kevin Costner played a starring role at ONS 2010, speaking on the topic of “state of the art oil spill systems” at a press conference and lecture.

Offshore staff

STAVANGER, Norway – American actor and environmentalist Kevin Costner played a starring role at ONS 2010, speaking on the topic of “state of the art oil spill systems” at a press conference and lecture. Together with his COO Patrick N. Smith, Costner is looking for business partners for the centrifuge technology being developed by his company, Blue Planet Solutions (BPS).

In fact, Costner is behind BPS and Ocean Therapy Solutions, two companies developing oil separation machines. Both technologies have been employed in the cleanup of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP took six of the machines for testing in late May; and that order was expanded to 32 anti-oil devices in June.

The Ocean Therapy Solutions’ technology has been designed as a first line of defense from oil spills. The devices are designed to collect crude oil as soon as a spill occurs, working to prevent possible environmental damage.

Costner is using the time in Norway to promote these technologies, and arrange meetings with several prominent players in the Norwegian offshore oil industry. If everything goes according to plan, he and his partners hope to return to the US with one or more potential partners from the Norwegian market.
