Offshore staff
Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and Fradique de Menezes of São Tomé and Principé have approved block awards for the 2004 JDZ Licensing Round. The two presidents held a joint meeting where they decided and approved the awarding of blocks 2-6.
Block 2 requires a signature bonus of $71 million. Devon/Pioneer/ERHC will operate this block with 65% (including existing rights). Other partners in the block include Equator Exploration/ONGC Videsh 15%, A. & Hartman 10%, Foby Engineering 5%, and Momo Oil & Gas/Sojitz/IMT Int./Nissho Iwai 5%.
Block 3 requires a signature bonus of $40 million. Anadarko will operate this block with 51%. Other partners in the block include Devon/ERHC 25% (including existing rights), DNO/EER 10%, Equinox Oil & Gas/Equinox & Energy Ltd./Petrochina 10%, and Ophir/Broadlink 4%.
Block 4 requires a signature bonus of $90 million. Noble/ERHC will operate this block with 60% (including existing rights). Other partners in the block include Conoil 20%, Hercules/Centurion 10%, Godsonic Oil and Gas 5%, and Overt/Addax 5%.
Block 5 requires a signature bonus of $37 million. ICC/Oeocc Consortium will operate this block with 75%. Other partners in the block include ERHC 15% (existing rights) and Sahara/Denham/WoodGroup 10%.
Block 6 requires a signature bonus of $45 million. Filthim-Huzod Oil & Gas/DNO ASA/EER/Sinopec will operate this block with 85% and ERHC holds the remaining 15% (existing rights).