Production resumes at Statfjord A platform

May 28, 2008
Production resumed on StatoilHydro's Statfjord A platform after four days of shutdown due to an oil leak.

Offshore staff

OSLO -- Production resumed on StatoilHydro's Statfjord A platform after four days of shutdown due to an oil leak.

The oil leak led to an immediate production shutdown and a part of the crew was evacuated. As soon as the situation allowed, efforts began to stop the leak and at the same time extensive oil spill response work was initiated.

"We are very pleased that the incident did not cause any injuries, and that we are onstream again," says Lars Petter Lundahl, head of Statfjord production. "The organization has done a fantastic job on examining the equipment and preparing for start-up. I would also like to praise our emergency response organization who participated during the incident, both on board Statfjord A and onshore."

The incident will be investigated by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway and StatoilHydro.
