Five of six Neptune TLP wells online

July 24, 2008
Five of six Neptune TLP wells are now online, according to BHP Billiton.

Offshore staff

LONDON -- Five of six Neptune TLP wells are now online, according to BHP Billiton.

The Neptune TLP was installed in 4,250 ft (1,300 m) of water on Green Canyon block 613. Field development includes six initial subsea wells tied back to the TLP. Further development wells are expected to be drilled after interpretation of new seismic data, which will be obtained in the latter half of 2008. The Neptune field comprises five blocks: Atwater Valley 573, 574, 575, 617, and 618 where water depths range from 4,200 to 6,500 ft (1,275 to 2,000 m).

"The achievement to reach full production capacity in just 15 days after start-up on the company's first operated, standalone deepwater production platform in the Gulf of Mexico is an outstanding achievement and we're very pleased with how the facility and wells are performing," says J. Michael Yeager, chief executive of petroleum for BHP Billiton. "We have an excellent team of drilling, project and construction personnel, and it is a credit to the team and their excellent work that they were able to deliver a safe and effective production project."
