Phillips to resume production at two North Sea platforms

June 1, 2001
Phillips Petroleum Co. plans to resume production of 25,000 b/d at two of its North Sea platforms on Monday following a week of repairs to their fire protection systems, a spokesman said. Phillips halted production May 28 at platforms Eldfisk Alpha and Embla.

HOUSTON, June 1 -- Phillips Petroleum Co. plans to resume production of 25,000 b/d at two of its North Sea platforms on Monday following a week of repairs to their fire protection systems, a spokesman said.

Production was halted May 28 on platforms Eldfisk Alpha and Embla. The shut down was self-imposed by Phillips, the spokesman said.

The two platforms together produce 25,000 b/d of oil, which is 5% of Phillips' production in the area. Both are in the Greater Ekofisk area of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

Embla field, 5 km south of Eldfisk Alpha platform, was the first on the Norwegian continental shelf to produce from deeper than 13,000 ft. Embla is connected to the Eldfisk platform by a 3.2-mile pipeline. Eldfisk platform controls and processes oil from Embla.