Geco Triton acquiring 3D survey in Barents Sea

July 29, 2009
WesternGeco is acquiring a new 3D survey in the Barents Sea consisting of 2,680 sq km (1,035 sq mi) over quadrants 7219 and 7220.

Offshore staff

LONDON -- WesternGeco is acquiring a new 3D survey in the Barents Sea consisting of 2,680 sq km (1,035 sq mi) over quadrants 7219 and 7220. The survey is an extension of the 2008 West Loppa survey, over open acreage and blocks awarded in Norway’s 20th round.

The company reports that 2D mapping shows interesting structures and amplitude anomalies at several stratigraphic levels. The Geco Triton began the new 3D acquisition in June. Fully processed data will be available early in 2010.
