CGG identifies global potential for offshore geothermal energy

Feb. 13, 2024
CGG's research suggests there could be vast geothermal resources along the magmatically active ocean floor-spreading centers and adjacent flooded rift systems in all the world’s major oceans.

Offshore staff

MASSY, FranceCGG has issued a white paper that discusses the potential for offshore geothermal energy and provides a framework for development.

The company’s research suggests there could be vast geothermal resources along the magmatically active ocean floor-spreading centers and adjacent flooded rift systems in all the world’s major oceans.

These offshore areas could be locations to harvest geothermal resources for power in conjunction with the co-production of freshwater, green hydrogen and ammonia.

CGG has a published patent application for a new combination of geological, geophysical and engineering technologies to support research into and the exploration, development and monitoring of offshore geothermal resources.

The company would draw on its existing geoscience capabilities, including global geothermal data curation, subsurface imaging technology and geological interpretation, to help optimize offshore geothermal well placement and production. It aims to assess the most prospective offshore geothermal locations and work in partnership with various organizations to develop these resources. 
