McDermott working on FEED for Caribbean, offshore East Africa projects

Feb. 22, 2017
McDermott has updated progress on its offshore construction projects in the Americas region.

Offshore staff

HOUSTONMcDermott has updated progress on its offshore construction projects in the Americas region.

During 4Q 2016, the company completed installation of the 7,500-tonAyatsil-C jacket for PEMEX in the Bay of Campeche.

It was launched off the McDermottI-600 barge and installed by the DB50.

Fabrication of the compression platform forPEMEX’s Abkatun A-2 project started in Mexico in October and is currently ahead of plan (the project has a 900-day execution schedule).

The company has recruited an additional 80 engineers and support staff at its Mexico City office.

At the Altamira fabrication yard, upgrades started to increase the skidway and loadout capabilities and provide covered blast and paint facilities. They should be completed in April.

Front-end engineering and design (FEED) and early detailed engineering continues for an unnamed gas development in the Caribbean, and McDermott is also putting the finishing touches to a FEED project for a SURF facility offshore East Africa.
