Transocean Legend to resume Poseidon-2 well drilling

Dec. 23, 2009
On Dec. 22, the drilling rig Transocean Legend was remanned at the Poseidon-2 well in WA-398-P, offshore Australia, following Cyclone Lawrence.

Offshore staff

VICTORIA, Australia -- On Dec. 22, the drilling rig Transocean Legend was remanned at the Poseidon-2 well in WA-398-P, offshore Australia, following Cyclone Lawrence. The rig is currently setting anchors.

The postponed Poseidon 3D seismic vessel, Geowave Voyager, is returning to the permit area and will shortly resume a 3D seismic acquisition. The survey is approximately 55% completed.

Prior to drilling the primary target Plover formation reservoir intervals, the Poseidon-2 intersected an overlying reservoir sequence (Montara formation) not penetrated in the Poseidon-1 well. Logging while drilling, mud-logging, and wireline data interpretation indicated the presence of hydrocarbons over a gross reservoir interval of approximately 20 m (66 ft), Karoon Gas Australia says.

The well penetrated the top of the Plover reservoir interval close to prediction and intersected a thicker Plover formation sequence, intersecting the three gross reservoir intervals seen in Poseidon-1. Approximately 60 m (197 ft) of core was cut within the reservoir interval.

Due to delays caused by Cyclone Lawrence, wireline data has not yet been gathered over the formation reservoirs. Wireline logs are expected to be gathered in the coming week.

The company will decide on production testing once all the data is collected and analyzed. The objective of the Poseidon-2 is to test the extent, presence, and quality of reservoirs down-dip from Poseidon-1 where the Plover formation is interpreted to thicken. The well had a planned total depth of approximately 5,300 m (17,388 ft) RT.

If applicable, Karoon will plug and abandon the Poseidon-1 and Poseidon-2 wells following evaluation and production testing. The wells are not suitable for production purposes, the company says.
