EnCore announces 2008 drilling program

Feb. 1, 2008
EnCore has announced its drilling program for 2008.

Offshore staff

LONDON -- EnCore has announced its drilling program for 2008.

Cobra Prospect on UKCS blocks 48/1b & 48/2c (20% interest)
Following the recently farm-out to Challenger Minerals Inc., EnCore retains a 20% interest and operatorship of the license. Applied Drilling Technology and the ENSCO 80 jackup will drill the appraisal well on behalf of the joint venture. The main purpose is to establish if the reservoir is capable of flowing at commercial rates from a vertical well bore.

Bennett Prospect on UKCS block 43/15a (70% interest)
Discussions are under way for additional co-venturers to join in drilling the Bennett prospect. Bennett is a significant Carboniferous prospect beneath the depleted Gordon gas field. According to EnCore, this is a high risk, high reward exploration prospect.

Catcher Prospect on UKCS blocks 28/9 & 28/10b (35% interest)
Catcher is an oil prospect in the central North Sea relatively close to existing infrastructure Catcher offers a modest risk/reward opportunity with significant add-on low risk prospectivity if successful. The operator, Oilexco, has rigs available and Catcher is expected to be drilled in the second half of 2008.

Bowstring East Prospect on UKCS blocks 210/29 & 210/30 (26.6% interest)
Bowstring East is a high risk and high reward prospect operated by Sterling Resources in the Viking Graben oil province. It requires stratigraphic trapping within the proposed Upper Jurassic sandstones to succeed. The co-venturers have farmed out an interest to Revus Energy (UK) Ltd. Drilling is scheduled for late 2008, subject to rig availability.

Breagh Appraisal Drilling on UKCS block 42/13 (15% interest)
The company hopes to drill a number of wells in late 2008 to define the potential of East Breagh. Development drilling is planned for West Breagh.
