Pride benefits running similar rigs in similar areas

March 11, 2008
The benefits of running several similar rigs in one area were enumerated by Joao Araujo of Pride International Inc. today at the IADC International Deepwater Drilling Conference.

Gene Kliewer,
Technology Editor, Subsea & Seismic

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil –The benefits of running several similar rigs in one area were enumerated by Joao Araujo of Pride International Inc. today at the IADC International Deepwater Drilling Conference.

Drawing on Pride's experience with multiple Megathyst-class semisubmersible drilling rigs offshore Brazil, Araujo said the advantages included:

•Common training: Everyone was trained to the same operations to make transfer from rig to rig simpler

•Spare parts inventory: The stocking of parts was both simplified and reduced because the same parts were used on every rig.
