Deepwater Horizon: Containment quantity ramps up

June 7, 2010
The containment cap on BP’s leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico is taking in about 11,000 b/d of oil, said Admiral Thad Allen, national incident commander, at a news conference this morning at the Whitehouse.

Offshore staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The containment cap on BP’s leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico is taking in about 11,000 b/d of oil, said Admiral Thad Allen, national incident commander, at a news conference this morning at the Whitehouse. He also said the amount recovered continues to increase as the vents on the cap are closed.

Plans are in place to bring another floating storage vessel with 20,000 b/d of oil capacity in to join the Discoverer Enterprise drillship currently on-site serving as a storage facility as well as for operations center for seabed intervention.

The containment cap vents are being closed slowly to help avoid hydrate formation.

Allen said the final solution – relief well intervention – probably would come early in August.

As to spill recovery, Allen said the emphasis is on surface skimmers within 50 mi (80n km) of shore using vessels of opportunity. In addition to finding skimmers, the government is training operators and matching skimmer capacity to available vessel performance characteristics. The Coast Guard helicopters are used to identify spots where the skimmers might be of service.
