Offshore staff
HOUSTON – Global demand is pushing oil and gas exploration further offshore into harsher and deeper waters. According to energy analysts Infield Systems, the deepwater market is expected to increase from a 38% share in 2012 to a 53% share of global offshore capex by 2017.
The Deep Offshore Technology (DOT) International Conference & Exhibition will be held in Houston, Oct. 22-24, 2013, at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center. For 32 years, DOT has been providing an annual forum to showcase and discuss pioneering technology, emerging trends, daily practices, and specific challenges associated with deepwater oil and gas exploration and development. This year’s event will be hosted by Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
The opening plenary session on Tuesday Oct. 22 will feature a welcome and introduction by David Paganie, chief editor ofOffshoremagazine, and a welcome from Advisory Board Chairman Matt Lamey of Anadarko. He is presently project manager for Lucius, the company’s largest spar to date. Lamey has more than 30 years of experience in the oil and natural gas industry, 18 of which have been spent on deepwater offshore production facilities surveillance, operations support, and facilities engineering and construction.
Don Vardeman, vice president of worldwide projects for Anadarko, will deliver the keynote address. He currently has execution responsibility for the company’s major projects in Algeria, Mozambique, Gulf of Mexico, and US onshore. Joe Gregory of Chevron North America Exploration and Production Corp. will provide an operator perspective. He serves as general manager of major capital projects within the company’s Deepwater Exploration and Projects business unit.
Randall Luthi, president of the National Ocean Industries Association, will present a view from Washington. An attorney and rancher from Freedom, Wyoming, he most recently served as the director of the Minerals Management Service at the Department of the Interior from July 2007 through January 2009.
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Ph.D., will conclude the plenary session with an industry outlook. Medlock is the James A. Baker and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics at the Rice University’s Baker Institute, the senior director of the Center for Energy Studies, as well as an adjunct professor and lecturer in the Department of Economics at Rice University.
The Deepwater Operators Session will feature presentations on recent deepwater projects from the Norwegian Sea to Israel to East and West Africa. Cory Weinbel of Anadarko will highlight the company’s promising new deepwater gas plays offshore Mozambique. Kristoffer Hoyem Aronsen of Statoil will discuss Aasta Hansteen, the first deepwater development in the Norwegian Sea, featuring the world’s first spar FPSO. Tony Boyle of BP will focus on the PSVM development offshore Angola. George Hatfield of Noble Energy will highlight the recently onstream Tamar gas field offshore Israel.
The conference topics for DOT 2013 reflect the industry’s increasing demand for new technology and services to safely and efficiently grow the global reserves base from the world’s most prolific, and prospective resource play – deepwater. The three-day comprehensive technical program will run on three parallel tracks. More than 50 speakers will share new technologies, case studies, and lessons learned from the initial well spud through to platform installation and operation. Topical sessions include: flow assurance solutions; long-distance subsea tiebacks; subsea boosting, processing, and injection technologies; safety and environmental management; field architecture and development concepts; floating production systems; and asset integrity.
Wednesday will feature a panel discussion on compliance strategies for the new safety and environmental management systems (SEMS) Regulations. Panelists include Charlie Williams of the Center for Offshore Safety, Elizabeth Komiskey of BP America Inc., Kevin Renfro of Anadarko, and Dwight Johnston of Shell.
Thursday will include a second panel discussion on improving oil recovery in deepwater fields. Dr. Øistein Bøe of Statoil, Donna T. Auzenne of Chevron North America Exploration and Production Co., and Khalid Mateen of Total E&P Research and Technology USA will share the results of practical IOR/EOR implementation in the field.
DOT 2013 will conclude with the Advisory Board Chairman closing, an awards ceremony and closing remarks from David Paganie, director of Offshore Conferences at PennWell.
For more information on the Deep Offshore Technology International Conference and Exhibition, please visit: