
Milford, CT


About Thinklogical


100 Washington St
Milford, CT

More Info on Thinklogical

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Thinklogical is a global provider of high-performance KVM signal extension and switching systems for video-rich, big data computing applications including Real-Time Operating Centers, Control Rooms, Training and Simulation, 3-D Modeling and Visualization, and Security and Surveillance. Thinklogical offers the only fiber-optic matrix switches in the world that are accredited to The Common Criteria EAL4, TEMPEST Level B, and NATO NIAPC Evaluation Scheme: GREEN. Government, entertainment, scientific and industrial customers worldwide rely on Thinklogical products and services for security, high performance, continuous operation and ease of integration. An ISO 9001:2008 certified company, Thinklogical products are designed and manufactured in the USA.


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