Infoterra compiles arctic database

June 28, 2007
Infoterra has completed a campaign of mapping offshore oil slicks in the arctic regions.

Offshore staff

Leicester, UK --Infoterra has completed a campaign of mapping offshore oil slicks in the arctic regions. The 2 million sq km (772,204 sq mi) area covered includes the Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Greenland, Hudson Strait, Mackenzie Delta, and Outer Rockall.

The company has incorporated the data into its Global Seeps database, which features analysis of over 60 million sq km (23.2 million sq mi) of offshore basins. Its compilation technique involves interpreting radar satellite data and screening basins to a water depth of around 3,000 m (9,842 ft). The database currently comprises over 12,300 ERS satellite equivalent scenes.

According to Infoterra, oil seep identification can be complicated by water depths, variability in leaking petroleum systems, and pollution within offshore frontier basins. The company can help determine whether slicks are natural or man-made, and can also map rig, platform, and vessel traffic to provide a more detailed picture of controls on oil slick distribution.
