MMS accepts ATP’s high bid for GoM block

June 8, 2009
ATP Oil & Gas’ apparent high bid for deepwater Green Canyon block 344 at the Central Gulf of Mexico Offshore Lease Sale 208 has been accepted by the Minerals Management Service (MMS).

Offshore staff

HOUSTON -- ATP Oil & Gas’ apparent high bid for deepwater Green Canyon block 344 at the Central Gulf of Mexico Offshore Lease Sale 208 has been accepted by the Minerals Management Service (MMS). Green Canyon block 344 is located in approximately 3,244 ft (989 m) of water and in close proximity to ATP’s Clipper development (Green Canyon blocks 299/300).

ATP acquired the block for $227,990 and will serve as operator with a controlling working interest.

ATP Oil & Gas (UK) has received an award in the UK 25th Oil & Gas Licensing Round from the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

ATP will receive a 50% equity interest and serve as operator of block 9/21a with the other 50% assigned to MOST Oil & Gas Ltd.  Block 9/21a contains an undeveloped oil opportunity, which was discovered in 1990 in 374 ft (114 m) water depth. This oil discovery is in a Paleocene sandstone interval at 3,600 ft (1,097) depth. ATP will work with its partner to advance technical work and drill an appraisal well. 
