MMS issues OCS revenue sharing regulations

May 27, 2008
The Minerals Management Service has issued regulations for distribution of qualified Outer Continental Shelf revenues from certain federal Gulf of Mexico leases in accordance with the provisions of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (GOMESA).

Offshore staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Minerals Management Service has issued regulations for distribution of qualified Outer Continental Shelf revenues from certain federal Gulf of Mexico leases in accordance with the provisions of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (GOMESA). The regulations document the formula and methodology for calculating and allocating revenues to the Gulf producing states of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas and their eligible coastal political subdivisions based on detailed parameters set by Congress.

The first lease sale with immediate revenue sharing leases was Sale 224, held on March 19, 2008. GOMESA authorizes that 37.5% of all revenue including bonus bids, rentals, and production royalty will be shared among the four states and their subdivisions. From that percentage and based on the actual location of the tracts bid on in that sale, the FY 2008 allocation of bonuses and first year rentals under this program would be as follows: Alabama – 30%, Mississippi – 27%, Louisiana – 32%, and Texas – 11%.

Qualified OCS revenues are allocated among the Gulf producing states based on a formula that incorporates the state's proximity to certain tracts in the Gulf of Mexico Eastern Planning Area and a small section in the Central Planning Area.
