Kværner Enercon to perform FEED contract for portion of Escravos project

Jan. 24, 2002
Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. and Chevron Nigeria Ltd. awarded Kværner Enercon Inc. a front-end engineering design contract for part of the Escravos gas project Phase 3.

HOUSTON, Jan. 24 -- Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. and Chevron Nigeria Ltd. awarded Kværner Enercon Inc., Houston, a front-end engineering design contract for part of the Escravos gas project Phase 3.

Escravos, which came on stream in 1997, is part of efforts to eliminate routine flaring and to commercialize associated natural gas. Phase 3, which includes a gas-to-liquids plant, is expected on stream in 2005 (OGJ, Oct. 23, 2000, p. 62).

Kværner Enercon will work on the offshore portion of the project with the assistance of two Nigerian engineering companies, NETCO and Universal Services. The contract value was not disclosed.

The contract includes a nonassociated gas production platform, four nonassociated gas wellhead platforms, a booster compressor deck, modification of existing production platforms, subsea 12 to 26-in. pipelines from platforms to shore, and pipeline end manifold and single point mooring operations.

All the new platforms will be in 15-25 ft of water. The gathered gas will expand the supply delivered to the onshore gas plant.

Kværner Enercon is an affiliate of the Anglo-Norwegian Kværner Group.