Global Industries to expand deepwater pipelay fleet

Sept. 20, 2010
Keppel Singmarine is close to completing the Global 1200, the first of two new-generation derrick pipelay vessels commissioned by Global Industries.

Offshore staff

SINGAPORE -- Keppel Singmarine is close to completing the Global 1200, the first of two new-generation derrick pipelay vessels commissioned by Global Industries.

The dynamically positioned S-lay vessel is designed to operate in water depths of up to 3,000 m (9,842 ft), and to be swiftly and economically deployed to offshore destinations worldwide. Its pipelay spread includes three 125-metric ton (138-ton) tensioners, each capable of laying pipes up to 63-in (160-cm) diameter, at a rate of 350 lengths of pipes per day. It is also designed to comply with safety and stability standards demanded by IMO SPS codes.

Keppel Singmarine is currently constructing the second vessel, Global 1201, for scheduled completion during 2Q 2011.
