Ulstein completes latest PSV delivery

Sept. 24, 2013
Ulstein Verft has delivered the platform supply vessel (PSV) Blue Protector.

Offshore staff

ULSTEINVIK, NorwayUlstein Verft has delivered the platform supply vessel (PSV) Blue Protector. The vessel, which is owned by Blue Ship Invest and managed by Atlantic Offshore, will head to the North Sea spot market.

Blue Protector is the last of six newbuilds of the PX121 design. Atlantic manages two others. All have been adapted for work in the Norwegian sector with features that include more power in order to maintain position at rig in bad weather, and reduced nitrogen oxide (NOx) for the exhaust emissions.

In addition, all thevessels have light ice class (ICE-C) notation, making them suitable for service further north.

Blue Protector is 83.4 m (274 ft) long with a beam of 18 m (59 ft), IMO Class II dynamic positioning, and a maximum speed of around 16 knots. The vessel’s load capacity is 4,100 metric tons (4,519 tons) dwt, and the 850-sq m (9,149-sq ft) cargo deck can carry a deck load of 2,200 metric tons (2,425 tons). There is accommodation for 23 people.

In addition to tanks for oil, water and drilling fluids, the vessel has four stainless steel tanks for flammable liquids.
