Tanker converted for Woollybutt

July 2, 2002
The Four Vanguard SNL joint venture has purchased a 94,000 DWT tanker, the Four Lakes, from Premuda SA to convert into an FPSO for the Woollybutt field off Western Australia.

The Four Vanguard SNL joint venture has purchased a 94,000 DWT tanker, the Four Lakes, from Premuda SA to convert into an FPSO for the Woollybutt field off Western Australia. The tanker, which has been renamed "Four Vanguard," will be converted at the Keppel Shipyard in Singapore.
Vanguard's Australian subsidiary Vanguard Floating Production Ltd. will manage the vessel's conversion. The joint venture will operate the vessel for Agip Australia Ltd. The company is the operator in partnership with ExxonMobil and Tap Oil.
Four Vanguard SNL is made up of Vanguard Floating Production Ltd. and Premuda SPA.