Wärtsilä leading maritime studies for carbon capture project

Sept. 10, 2021
Wärtsilä will support the LINCCS (linking carbon capture and storage) project.

Offshore staff

HELSINKI, FinlandWärtsilä will support the LINCCS (linking carbon capture and storage) project.

This is targeting a 70% cost reduction in new carbon storage facilities and advancing development of carbon capture technologies in various sectors.

Earlier this week, the LINCCS consortium, which includes Aker Solutions, Cognite, Aize, AGR, OpenGoSim, Wintershall Dea, Vår Energi, Lundin, Equinor and TotalEnergies, received a pledge of NOK111 million ($12.86 million) funding over the next three years from the Norwegian government’s Green Platform Initiative.

Wärtsilä will lead work on a maritime CCS solution, with support from the Sustainable Energy Catapult Center and SINTEF Energy.

The Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment division will expand its engineering complex in Moss, Norway, to develop, test and corroborate the CCS solutions, maturing the technology to a point where it can be piloted in full scale on a vessel.
