OLF launches far north metocean study

June 15, 2009
Metocean Services International (MSI) has been awarded a one-year current measurement contract relating to nine locations off northern Norway.

Offshore staff

SANDY BAY, Australia -- Metocean Services International (MSI) has been awarded a one-year current measurement contract relating to nine locations off northern Norway.

The Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF) has commissioned the study to further its understanding of metocean data in the Lofoten – Vesteraalen area in Nordland County. Rigs with current profilers are operating already in the area.

The project will be mobilized from the port of Sandnessjoen. MSI will deploy nine separate moorings, each fitted with a current profiler (the frequency will depend on water depth), and a CTD logger.

Moorings are to be serviced every three months using a vessel chartered by MSI. During these intervals, all the moorings will be recovered onboard, data downloaded, new batteries installed, and all mooring components replaced prior to re-deployment.

Mooring positions have been determined to minimize conflict with Norwegian fisheries’ tracking systems, and have also been relayed to the Norwegian Fishermen’s Association, the Norwegian Coastal Administration, and the Coast Guard.
