Energy Resource Technology Inc. (ERT), a wholly owned subsidiary of Cal Dive International Inc. has drilled, completed, and brought online its second company-operated subsea well.
Energy Resource Technology Inc. (ERT), a wholly owned subsidiary of Cal Dive International Inc. has drilled, completed, and brought online its second company-operated subsea well. The High Island A 544 well No. 2, drilled in 235 ft of water to a total depth of 3,800 ft by the Ensco 69 drilling rig, encountered 15 ft of apparent natural gas pay in a single interval. The initial flow rate was 6,400 MMcf/d at 1,200 psi flowing tubing pressure.
Cal Dive fabricated and installed an 11,700 ft subsea flowline to an ERT-operated host platform and provided the subsea tree from its full field inventory. Cal Dive's DSV Witch Queen laid the flowline, while the Cal Diver I assisted with commissioning the well. ERT has 100% ownership of the well and platform.