Dar Group JV to manage completion of Saudi/Kuwaiti pipeline

July 5, 2016
Kuwait Gulf Oil Co. has contracted the Penspen/Dar Al Handasah joint venture to manage engineering, procurement, and construction of a new gas and condensate pipeline.

Offshore staff

LONDON – Kuwait Gulf Oil Co. (KGOC) has contracted the Penspen/Dar Al Handasah joint venture to manage engineering, procurement, and construction of a new gas and condensate pipeline.

This will run offshore and onshore from Khafji in Saudi Arabia to Mina Al Ahmadi in Kuwait.

The two companies, both members of the Dar Group, have provided front-end engineering and design (FEED) and project management services for the new pipeline since March 2010.

Penspen expects the contract to continue for around 18 months.

Executive vice president for project performance Chris Williams said: “We have had a really good relationship with KGOC since we started on the FEED and we look forward to being involved right through to commissioning.”

Kuwait Gulf Oil Co. was formed in February 2002 to represent the State of Kuwait in the Divided Zone with Saudi Arabia.

The following year the company took over management of the Kuwait DZ offshore area from the Arabian Oil Co. on expiry of the latter’s concession agreement.

The Divided Zone was established as a buffer zone along the International Boundary between the two countries in an attempt to improve cooperation for development projects in the border areas.

Its explored hydrocarbon resources are equally shared between the two countries. A Joint Operations Committee manages development and production.


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