Wood, Centrica consider hydrogen options for Easington gas hub

June 26, 2023
Wood and Centrica Storage are assessing the feasibility of converting the Easington gas processing terminal on the Yorkshire coast in eastern England to a low-carbon production hub.

Offshore staff

ABERDEEN, UK  Wood and Centrica Storage are assessing the feasibility of converting the Easington gas processing terminal on the Yorkshire coast in eastern England to a low-carbon production hub.

Centrica and Equinor are partners in the project, which aims to deliver hydrogen to the Humber industrial region.

Plans call for the hub to be integrated with Centrica’s redevelopment of the Rough gas storage field in the southern North Sea, and with the Easington terminal’s hydrogen fuel switching project. In both cases, Wood is performing further studies.

Easington’s hub over the next 10 years will support Centrica’s target of achieving net-zero emissions operations by 2045, with hydrogen seen as a critical component.

Wood will investigate scenarios covering both green and blue hydrogen production facilities and their associated off-sites and utilities.
