HAMBURG, Germany — Nordsee One has finished underwater inspection trials of the A.IKANBILIS Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (HAUV) at the Nordsee One wind farm in the German North Sea.
Vehicle manufacturer BeeX and Subsea Europe Services supported the program.
The HAUV features an AI-powered autonomy engine and can performed tethered or untethered.
During the trials, the team tasked the vehicle with inspecting monopile foundations including Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) anodes and Cable Protection Systems (CPS).
On launch, it was able to complete its objectives autonomously choosing the most effective way to achieve its mission parameters. The ability to make these decisions unaided was due to the artificial intelligence continuously learning from the integrated sensors, allowing intelligent adaptation to changing environment, such as tides, currents and visibility.
Geo-referenced reporting of the monopile condition and 3D CPS inspection was relayed to the client in near-real time via an integrated cloud-based platform.