TPC Changhua wind turbines installed offshore Taiwan

June 23, 2021
Jan De Nul Group has installed all 21 turbines at Taiwan Power Co.’s 109.2-MW Changhua Phase 1 offshore wind farm.

Offshore staff

LUXEMBOURG Jan De Nul Group has installed all 21 turbines at Taiwan Power Co.’s 109.2-MW Changhua Phase 1 offshore wind farm.

The company’s jackup vessel Taillevent installed the last 5.2-MW Hitachi wind turbine on June 12, 2021.

Located 8 km (5 mi) offshore western Taiwan, each wind turbine is installed on a jacket foundation with transition piece, anchored to the seabed using four steel pin piles. Each turbine is also equipped with a downwind rotor.

Consortium partner Hitachi Ltd. pioneered this design by obtaining the Wind Turbine Class T certification, an international standard on wind-resistant design recognizing the need in regions subject to frequent typhoons.

Jan De Nul began construction of Taiwan’s first state-owned offshore wind farm in September 2018 with the preparatory onshore cable duct installation works to connect the existing onshore substation to the cable interface near shore.

Fabrication of the foundation components started in 2019. The first foundations left the South Korean fabrication yards in April 2020.

In June 2020, the company installed the first pin piles and connected the first export cable to shore. By early August, the first jacket foundation was installed and anchored to the seabed. On Sept. 15 the first wind turbine was erected.

Jan De Nul Group is responsible for the design, fabrication, and installation of the foundations, installation of the wind turbines, supply and installation of the cables off- and onshore as well as upgrading an electrical substation. Hitachi Ltd. is in charge of manufacturing, assembly, installation, and other works related to the offshore wind turbines with downwind rotor.

Subsequently, the consortium is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the offshore wind farm over five years.
