Offshore staff
This will be the final commitment exploratory well for Capricorn (30%) in its current Mexican portfolio.
The company added that it has fully impaired costs remaining on Block 10 and has also submitted a notice of relinquishment to the Mexican authorities for Block 15.
Offshore Suriname, the company is working on plans for 3D seismic acquisition over Block 61 in the Guyana-Suriname Basin, its work commitment for the next exploration phase, and is seeking farm-in partners.
However, following seismic processing over its eight licenses offshore Israel, Capricorn and its partners have advised the Ministry of Energy of their intention to relinquish the permits.
In Block C7 off Mauritania (Capricorn operator, 90% WI), the company is assessing data from an environmental baseline and drilling site survey completed this year to inform a drilling decision ahead of the next license phase.