Offshore staff
LONDON — Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) has introduced guidelines for decommissioning North Sea oil and gas wells to enable reservoirs to be repurposed for permanent subsurface storage of CO2.
Britain’s Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy commissioned the "Well Decommissioning for CO2 storage guidance" project, which involved collaborations with well operations specialists, operators, consultancies and academia.
The new guidance outlines what oil and gas operators should consider for decommissioning wells in terms of retaining structural integrity when repurposing depleted reservoirs.
For CO2 storage developers, the work is designed to assist the verification process and permitting procedures for CO2 storage projects.
OEUK also is issuing new editions of its "Well Decommissioning Guidelines" and guidance for "Use of Barrier Materials in Well Decommissioning."
While the three publications are free to OEUK members, the area also available to non-members for a small charge, the association said.