Petrobras inviting offers for Catuá field offshore Brazil

Nov. 30, 2021
Petrobras has initiated the binding phase for selling its 100% interest in the Catuá oil field in the Campos basin.

Offshore staff

RIO DE JANEIROPetrobras has initiated the binding phase for selling its 100% interest in the Catuá oil field in the Campos basin, 128 km (79.5 mi) offshore Espírito Santo State.

Qualified bidders for this phase will receive a process letter with instructions on the divestment process, including guidelines for due diligence and the submission of binding proposals.

Petrobras acquired the concession for the surrounding BC-60 block under the ANP’s Round Zero bid round. Other fields in the block are not part of the present assignment of rights process.

The concession area is in water depths of 1,700-1,950 m (5,577-6,398 ft). To date the company has drilled four wells on Catuá, of which three encountered light oil in carbonate reservoirs.
