Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway – Applied Petroleum Technology (APT) has agreed to collaborate with Australia-based geological and stratigraphic consultant MGPalaeo.
The two companies plan to provide integrated multi-client and post-well analyses for E&P companies operating in Australia, starting with the Roebuck basin on the central offshore North West Shelf, which includes the Santos-operated Dorado oil discovery.
This will include MGPalaeo’s AUSTRALIS geological database which provides interpretation of geological data for more than 3,000 Australian wells using one consistent zonation scheme, and APT’s wellsite gas processing and interpretation software package Girasol (Gas interpretation reservoir analysis software).
Julian Moore, chief technology officer of APT, said: “To date there has been very little innovation in how the oil industry treats the data captured from the wells drilled with respect to rocks collected and the gases measured. Typically, this data ends up in a pdf-file on a company server and is little used once the well is drilled.
“Our technologies will create digital datasets far more amenable to analysis, providing more value to the data acquired and deeper technical insights into the petroleum system.”
The results should help clients assess the distribution of potential reservoirs, pay zones, shows and residual petroleum anomalies set within a consistent stratigraphic framework, APT added.