Infill drilling progressing at TGT field offshore Vietnam

Sept. 15, 2021
Pharos Energy has issued updates on its ongoing field development activities offshore southern Vietnam.

Offshore staff

LONDONPharos Energy has issued updates on its ongoing field development activities offshore southern Vietnam.

The producing TGT field is in 47m (154 ft) water depth in block 16-1 in the Cuu Long basin.

In July, TGT-H4-34Pl, the first of four new infill development wells, was spudded from the H4 wellhead platform at the southern end of the field by the jackup PVDII. The well reached its planned TD in early August and came onstream on Aug. 23 through the existing processing facilities.

Its initial flow rate of around 1,600 b/d of oil was as expected, and further behind pipe potential will be accessed during a second phase of perforations.

Currently the rig is operating at the H5 platform on the second infill well, TGT-H5-12XPST, which reached TD on Sept. 7.

The initial four-well program should finish during 4Q, with two more wells likely to be drilled in 2022 pending budgetary approval. The full infill program should raise TGT production by 5-6,000 boe/d to around 20,000 boe/d.

At the CNV field in block 9-2, well intervention work comprising acidizing plugged perforations in two existing producers led to a production gain of around 150 b/d of oil. Submission of the revised full-field development plan should follow at the end of 2021, subject to partners’ approval.
