Norway helps Nigeria reduce gas flaring

Sept. 21, 2007
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is advising oil authorities in Nigeria on how to reduce gas burning.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway -- The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is advising oil authorities in Nigeria on how to reduce gas burning.

Flaring gas is a necessary safety measure used on production facilities to prevent explosions. Flaring in excess of what is required for safety purposes normally is not permitted in Norway, but is still a common practice elsewhere in the world. Because Nigeria has large quantities of gas that the country wants to capture, representatives form Nigerian oil authorities have approached the NPD for help.

"We want to draw on Norway's experience as regards policy, sharing data, organizing and following up the country's gas activities," says Oliver C. Okparaotiako, representative of the Department of Petroleum Resources in Nigeria.

Nearly 40% of Nigeria's gas is being flared.

The cooperation between the countries has been under way for several years. Intsok (Norwegian Oil and Gas Partners) is responsible for industrial cooperation, while the NPD coordinates the authorities' collaboration, the NPD says.
